International Conference on Men's Issues (2016)

Marco Visscher (Dutch journalist) will be attending the conference


The list of highly regarded journalists who will be attending the conference continues to grow.

I’m pleased to report – with his permission – that Marco Visscher, a Dutch freelance writer and editor, based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, will be carrying out some interviews during the conference.

He writes for leading weeklies in both the Netherlands and Belgium (such as Vrij Nederland, Knack and Humo) and for the weekend supplement of one of the leading newspapers, Trouw. A page on his website (in English) about himself is here. In his online archive, you’ll see that already this year, he’s had interviews published with both Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia. Click on the tab near the top of the page for a translation into English.

Marco has been commissioned by Knack magazine to write a feature article about the conference, and the men’s rights movement in general.

